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PAiN Issue 07/97

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[Review by Seven] The biggest issue so far, both in bytes (>900K, typical size is 250-500K) and in articles: 21! The title screen isn't that good IMHO, a scribbled logo on a muddy brown background. The editorial talks about the fact that Buenzli 5 was a big success, almost 80 visitors, and that the compos were mostly won by new sceners. So, the Swiss scene is doing well. Besides the traditional Buenzli report with pictures, there are interviews with Furball and Zaphod, a funny story about Gargamel who had promised to pick up another scener to go to Buenzli without making clear arrangements, and some background info on a non-scene event, the next Techno street parade. The 5 Tech corners are a multipart Javascript tutorial, and Eule! is ranting about the company that controls PPE (a BBS-coding language).


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